클라우드 애플리케이션 보호 서비스

H1 2024 Global Threat Analysis Report

Catch up on the cyberattack and hacktivist trends that could affect your organization.

Radware’s expert cyberthreat intelligence team created this report to help you keep up with the latest developments. Explore the statistics, trends and insights that make your organization more secure.

Download now to discover:

  • Revealing statistics including the quadrupling of Web DDoS attacks since Q4 2023
  • Growing trends like the most targeted industries and countries—and the most common methods of attack
  • Expert insights such as what’s motivating hacktivists and how they’ll use AI to add sophisticated features

"Hacktivists share a desire to use technology to advance their cause and to challenge those they believe are acting against it."

- H1 2024 Global Threat Analysis Report

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